South Carolina Handwashing Sink Regulations

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By Ozark River Manufacturing

January 24, 2025

South Carolina’s Code of Laws contains all the laws established by the General Assembly, including handwashing sink regulations. Interestingly, the Department of Agriculture oversees every type of food establishment in the state and has detailed and extensive handwashing sink requirements. Though the Department doesn’t oversee other industries, they must also meet handwashing sink requirements to be a licensed or permitted facility.

South Carolina Handwashing Sink Regulations for Retail Food Establishments

The South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) Consumer Protection Division oversees food safety for a variety of food establishments across the state. The Retail Food Safety & Compliance Department is responsible for inspecting and issuing permits to these establishments and includes facilities such as:

Regulation 61-25, Retail Food Establishments, outlines the minimum handwashing sink guidelines for retail food establishments throughout South Carolina. However, counties and local jurisdictions can enforce stricter standards if they choose.

All food establishments in South Carolina must have hand washing sinks that:

  • Are used only for washing hands
  • Supplies water through a mixing valve or combination faucet that’s heated to at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Has soap
  • Provides a single-use paper towel, heated air dryer system, continuous towel system, or air knife system to dry hands
  • Has a waste basket if the handwashing sink provides single-use paper towels

Mobile Food Units and Mobile Food Pushcarts

The Regulation also governs mobile food establishments (like food trucks) and mobile food pushcarts.

All mobile food establishments in South Carolina must have a separate handwashing sink for employee use. Using gloves or hand sanitizer does not replace proper handwashing in a sink that:

  • Has pressurized hot and cold water that’s at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Provides soap and disposable paper towels
  • Is easy for staff to get to at all times
  • Has a freshwater tank that holds at least five gallons of potable water

Handwashing sinks must also be separate from food and food contact surfaces. Mobile food units can install a splashguard or keep the handwashing sink at least 12 inches from the food prep area. 

Immediate Outdoor Cooking (IOC)

Some retail food establishments have an immediate outdoor cooking area (IOC), which is also subject to the Regulation. Businesses that cook food — including grilling and roasting — on the premises but outside the building must have a handwashing sink in the IOC. Gloves and hand sanitizer cannot be used in place of proper handwashing in an approved sink.

The IOC handwashing sink guidelines do not apply to mobile food units, pushcarts, farmer’s market stands, or seasonal food stands. However, establishments that cook food outdoors more than four times per year must meet the handwashing sink requirement, which includes:

  • Having a permanent handwashing sink which can be a portable sink.
  • A portable handwashing sink must have a potable water tank of at least five gallons and a waste water tank of at least seven and a half gallons.
  • Providing soap and single-use paper towels.

Barbecue Pit and Pit-Cooking Rooms

Retail food establishments with a barbecue pit or pit-cooking room are also subject to the Regulation and must have a handwashing sink on the premises. To be clear, a barbecue pit or pit-cooking room is inside a business, unlike an IOC.

But, like an IOC, handwashing sinks must meet the general handwashing sink requirements and provide soap and single-use paper towels.

Temporary Food Service Establishments

Temporary food service establishments are also subject to the Regulation and do not operate for more than 14 days in a single location. They are often found at:

  • Fairs
  • Carnivals
  • Circuses
  • Trade shows
  • Movie or filming locations
  • Golf or other national sporting events
  • Local community events

It’s important to note that the regulations for temporary food service establishments also apply to temporary establishments that operate in areas with natural or man-made disasters when a state of emergency or public health emergency is in effect.

Temporary food service establishments must have a handwashing sink that:

  • Provides pressurized hot and cold water
  • Soap and single-use paper towels
  • Has a splashguard or is at least 12 inches from food preparation areas

Community Festivals

Community festivals are also subject to handwashing sink regulations under the Regulation.

Community festivals run for less than 72 hours or three consecutive days. Handwashing facilities and sinks are not required at community festivals. However, the vendor must provide some kind of handwashing system — like a gravity faucet — for staff, as using gloves and hand sanitizer is not an acceptable substitute for washing hands.

Farmer’s Market

Every vendor at a farmer’s market is subject to the Regulation and must have at least one handwashing sink at their booth. Using a portable sink is acceptable as long as it has:

  • Pressurized water
  • Soap and paper towels
  • A potable water tank with a sufficient water supply
  • A waste water tank that’s larger than the clean water supply

Handwashing Sink Regulations for Wholesale Food Producers in South Carolina

The SCDA is also responsible for ensuring the safety of wholesale food products. Wholesale food establishments must be registered, and all food products must be prepared in an approved facility. Home kitchens are not allowed.

All wholesale food producers must have handwashing sinks that are:

  • Dedicated to washing hands
  • Provide hot water under suitable pressure
  • Stocked with soap and paper towels

Child Care Facility Handwashing Sink Regulations

Child care facilities in South Carolina are overseen by the Department of Social Services (DSS), South Carolina Child Care Early Care & Education Division.

Licensed child care facilities in South Carolina must provide at least one handwashing sink for every 20 children over two years old and:

  • Are separate from drinking fountains
  • Has pressurized hot and cold running water
  • Child height
  • Located in or near the bathroom
  • Has liquid or granular soap; bar soap is not allowed
  • Single-use paper towels

Handwashing Sink Regulations for Body Art Facilities

Body art facilities in South Carolina are regulated and permitted by the Department of Public Health. Any permitted body art establishment must have handwashing sinks that meet these requirements:

  • Sinks must have liquid germicidal solutions and single-use paper towels or electric air dryers
  • Hot and cold running water
  • At least one sink in the bathroom with hot and cold running water, liquid or granular soap, disposable paper towels or air dryer, and a covered wastebasket

Portable Sinks Get the Job Done

South Carolina’s handwashing sink regulations apply to an array of industries and may be required in multiple locations throughout your establishments. Fortunately, South Carolina recognizes the expense associated with plumbed sinks and allows owners to use portable sinks instead.

Ozark River Manufacturing’s sinks can help you comply with any of South Carolina’s regulations. Our sinks are NSF-certified, provide hot and cold running water, have fresh and waste water tanks, and are perfect for:

  • Bars
  • Beauty, Day Spas, & Wellness
  • Commercial
  • Construction & Job Sites
  • Daycare
  • Classrooms
  • Events, Concerts, & Weddings
  • Farms & Barns
  • Restaurants & Food Service
  • Garages & Workshops
  • Healthcare & Clinics
  • Patio & Home Use
  • Retail Stores
  • Science Labs
  • Tattoo and Body Art Shops

Contact us today to see what Ozark River Manufacturing’s portable sinks can do for your business.

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Ozark River Manufacturing

Ozark River Manufacturing designs and delivers top-quality, NSF-certified portable sinks. Since 2006, our inventive and bold team has ensured health compliance with quick-connect tanks and instant hot water. With over 55 models, we provide solutions for every need, backed by exceptional customer support and timely delivery. Healthy people matter, and we make a positive impact every day.

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