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Guide to Handwashing in the Food Service Industry

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By Ozark River Manufacturing

December 27, 2023

Keeping up with all the health regulations involved in owning a restaurant is critical, not just for food safety but for the reputation and success of your business. Managers and business owners need to create an environment where safe handwashing practices are a priority and provide the right tools and techniques to achieve this.

Understanding the Importance of Hand Hygiene

Each year, 48 million people get sick from foodborne illnesses — the most common are Norovirus, Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli. The Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) discovered that nine out of 10 illness outbreaks in restaurants are caused by germs from food workers’ hands. 

So, what’s the best way to prevent foodborne illness? Handwashing — it’s as simple as that. 

And yet, the EHS-Net also observed that food workers only wash their hands when they should one out of three times. As a restaurant owner, it’s crucial that your staff practice healthy handwashing habits when preparing and working with food.

The following are a few consequences of poor food hygiene in restaurants:

  • Prosecution: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) oversee food safety in the U.S. and have strict food safety and handling standards within restaurants. If the FDA discovers your restaurant is non-compliant, you could end up with fines, closure and even jail time. 
  • Damaged reputation: When customers — or even worse, the media — discover your restaurant has poor hygiene, they’ll lose respect for your business.
  • Low staff morale: Your staff want to work in a clean, safe environment. If they’re forced to work in unsafe conditions or are responsible for making others sick, they may perform poorly or decide to leave.

To ensure compliance, your business must adhere to handwashing regulations and provide adequate staff hygiene training.

Ensuring Food Safety Through Regulations

Health codes have a vital role in food safety as they provide a standard for best practices that reduce the spread of disease. The FDA Food Code specifies all restaurant health regulations, including how to prepare and cook food, as well as when, where and how to wash your hands. There is a five-step process for washing hands that all restaurant staff must know and adhere to. 

The FDA also discourages bare-hand contact with food that is ready to eat. Touching food could contaminate it, and workers should use gloves and the right utensils to prep and serve food to customers.

The Role of Training in Promoting Hand Hygiene

As a restaurant owner or manager, it is your responsibility to show your staff the correct handwashing techniques. With the proper training and understanding of regulations, food workers will know exactly how to keep their hands clean and reduce the spread of germs.

You can train your staff to wash their hands correctly by:

  • Teaching the basics: With new team members, you’ll need to help them understand food safety practices and how they prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses. Visual aids such as videos and posters can illustrate the techniques well, and you can put them up by handwashing stations so they are not forgotten.
  • Monitoring progress: You or an assigned mentor should observe new team members to ensure they wash their hands correctly. You can provide feedback and demonstrate the provided methods if you notice them doing anything wrong.
  • Repeating training sessions: Make hand hygiene part of routine training sessions so that food workers are frequently reminded of the proper techniques. This will also give them an opportunity to ask questions.

Prioritizing Hand Hygiene in Your Restaurant

With all the regulations and negative consequences surrounding hygiene in restaurants, you can see why it’s essential to implement good hygiene in your food business. 

Integrating Hand Hygiene Practices Into Daily Operations

Your restaurant staff will need to adopt hand hygiene practices throughout their daily tasks. As part of training, you should teach workers the FDA regulations for when to wash their hands

Strategically placed stations will encourage handwashing compliance in your restaurant, but the FDA requires them to be set up correctly. Your restaurant washing stations must meet the following requirements:

  • There must be handwashing stations where workers prepare and dispense food, in washing areas and in toilet rooms.
  • Handwashing stations must be for handwashing only, and workers must not wash their hands at other sinks.
  • Place a compliant sign above handwashing stations to make them easier to identify. 
  • There must be both cold and hot water, and hot water must reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When using touchless faucets, they must run for at least 15 seconds.
  • The station must provide approved soap, single-use paper towels or an air dryer. If you use paper towels, you must provide a waste receptacle. 

Overcoming Common Hand Hygiene Challenges

Restaurants around the world face a multitude of hand hygiene problems. Below are some common ones and our tips for solving them:

  • Using the wrong sink: Label your washing stations visibly and educate workers so they know where they can wash their hands. Using the wrong sink can be problematic no matter where you are, so check out how to choose the best camping sink while you’re at it.
  • Irritated skin: Optimize workflow so employees wash their hands when needed, but not excessively. This will help reduce dry, irritated hands. A gentler hand soap will also be beneficial.
  • Lack of enthusiasm: Education is key when workers don’t see the importance of washing their hands. Constant motivation and a reward system may also help improve enthusiasm for correct hand hygiene. 
  • Plumbing restrictions: Sometimes, buildings don’t have enough plumbing outlets for the amount of sinks you need. If this is the case for your restaurant, consider purchasing a portable sink.

The Benefits of Portable Sinks for Restaurants

Portable sinks are a practical choice for any restaurant that needs to improve its handwashing compliance. Here are just a few of their many benefits:

benefits of portable sinks for restaurants

1. Easy Installation

Portable sinks are super easy to install because they don’t connect to the plumbing, and you won’t need the help of a professional. This also makes them a cost-effective option as you won’t need to maintain pipes and pay for regular plumber visits. 

2. Mobility 

You can place portable sinks anywhere, even in places with no water outlets. They’re also lightweight and on wheels, so you can move them around freely depending on your needs. This makes handwashing compliance a breeze!

3. Increased Hygiene

With how easy portable sinks are to install and move around, you can fit them anywhere to improve your restaurant’s hand hygiene practices. With the right amount of sinks, your staff can ensure that their hands are clean throughout all tasks, effectively reducing the spread of germs and diseases.

Buy Portable Sinks From Ozark River Manufacturing

Ozark River Manufacturing sells American-made, code-compliant portable sinks for all food service businesses. Our sinks are easy to set up and move around, and have both hot and cold water. We care about your health compliance, so our sinks are reviewed and certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). When health inspectors visit, you can be assured that your sinks meet all food safety regulations. 

Browse our range of self-contained sinks specifically designed for the food service industry. If you need more information about our sinks, give us a call at 866-693-5661 or use our online contact form.

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Ozark River Manufacturing

Ozark River Manufacturing designs and delivers top-quality, NSF-certified portable sinks. Since 2006, our inventive and bold team has ensured health compliance with quick-connect tanks and instant hot water. With over 55 models, we provide solutions for every need, backed by exceptional customer support and timely delivery. Healthy people matter, and we make a positive impact every day.

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