Hand Washing Versus Hand Sanitizer

It’s been over a year now and we’ve all gotten used to keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer on us at all times. We use it after touching any shared surface, but is it really a viable replacement for hand-washing? Are we only using it because there isn’t enough access to point-of-contact hand-washing? Let’s take a look at the effectiveness and efficiency of hand-washing versus hand sanitizer.

Purell’s hand sanitizer sales rose 600% in 2020, according to the Wall Street Journal–which makes complete sense. So obviously there are circumstances that require its use, but how often are we misusing it simply out of convenience.

Benefits of Hand-Washing With Soap and Water

Hand-washing offers comprehensive advantages with the proper scrubbing techniques—at least 20 seconds of friction with soap, followed by a thorough rinse and a clean towel for drying.

Robust Protection

Soap and water provide robust protection against more than germs. They help remove other contaminants and potential toxins from your hands, like chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals. Antibacterial options aren’t required to enjoy these benefits—plain soap is equally effective at removal. These substances’ makeup also helps kill stubborn germs that hand sanitizer may find challenging to counteract, including Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), which can cause gastrointestinal issues and colon damage.

Shelf Life

Unlike hand sanitizers, soap doesn’t have an expiration date. That means it’s likelier to retain its germ-fighting potency longer. As long as soap still produces suds, it’s safe and effective to use.


While complete effectiveness relies on the right washing technique, soap and water are simple enough for anyone to use. They’re a cost-efficient solution that’s brand-agnostic—even a lesser-known or store-brand soap works well at reducing and eliminating germs. Options like scents or sensitive skin formulas help provide a comfortable experience for all users.

Benefits of Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer offers several pros when used correctly—don’t wipe off what seems like excess, and allow it to dry thoroughly to make the most of its potential.


The primary advantage of hand sanitizer is its convenience. Small bottles are portable and easy to keep handy in a car, pocket or purse, making them fast and simple to use.


Hand sanitizer is readily available on many store shelves or online shopping platforms. Plus, many businesses and public places have installed wall- or pole-mounted units for visitors that automatically dispense the proper amount required to do the job effectively. Since it requires no water, hand sanitizer is often more accessible on the go than hand-washing.

It’s also ideal in group settings where traditional hygiene methods may be impractical. For example, it’s perfect for use at the gym between sessions on equipment and in offices where soap and water could damage equipment or restrooms may not be in the immediate surroundings.


Some alcohol-free formulations of sanitizer may be gentler on sensitive skin than harsher soaps. Plus, some manufacturers have included additives like emollients in their options. These ingredients can help improve skin’s condition with extra moisture and softness.

Which Is Better: Hand-Washing or Hand Sanitizer?

Let’s turn to the trusted source for handwashing facts, the CDC, and see what they say about washing hands vs. hand sanitizer. Basically, hot water and soap are more effective, which we as a society already knew. According to the CDC, “soap and water help to dislodge germs that adhere to the skin surface and reduce the number of microorganisms on hands.” Therefore, hand sanitizers should only be used when hand-washing is not possible or after hand-washing as an extra precautionary measure.

Basically, sanitizers are not a replacement for hot water hand-washing. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are shown to be less effective against viruses in particular, like COVID-19, due to the microbial construction of the virus itself. The sanitizer cannot penetrate the protein casing on the outside of the virus as effectively as the old faithful handwashing techniques— and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any hand sanitizers for use in preventing or treating this specific virus.

The use of hand sanitizer also depends on the substance you’re looking to remove. If your hands are not dry, whether that’s due to a food substance or other contaminant, the sanitizer will be far less effective. Hand-washing is the only way to go in that situation because the sanitizer won’t penetrate through the substance and disinfect your hands as you would expect it to. However, 60-95% alcohol-based hand sanitizers can lend a helping hand (pun intended) when hand-washing capabilities aren’t available. 

The FDA oversees all over-the-counter hand sanitizers, which will contain a “Drug Facts” panel as part of their labeling. The agency recommends against using homemade versions. These solutions are typically not as effective as those that are commercially available. Homemade versions are also not laboratory-tested for efficacy. Additionally, the FDA typically gives hand sanitizer about a three-year shelf life before expiration. Over time, the alcohol or other germ-fighting ingredients’ content will weaken and lose its potency.

Hand Sanitizer: If the Need Arises

If the occasion arises for using sanitizer, the right amount needs to be applied (around a teaspoon), it needs to reach all parts of your hands, and it needs to completely dry. It has become such a quick fix that it’s inevitable that some of us are relying on it too much and not following the proper steps when using it.

One study even found that 30 seconds of sanitizer application was the ideal amount of time for germ reduction and drying. The recommended 30 seconds for sanitizer application is actually longer than the recommended 20 seconds for hand-washing. So, is it really easier or is it a matter of access? 

For example, in health care settings, research has shown that allowing for a substitute of hand sanitizer over hand-washing increased rates of actual hand-washing. Now, this may be because clinical professionals realize it takes just as much time to wash their hands, or maybe just seeing the sanitizer readily available reminds them to consistently wash up. Either way, even if sanitizer isn’t as effective, it’s reminding us of hand hygiene and will hopefully lead to more hand-washing even outside of these clinical settings.

Accessibility of Hand-Washing Stations

The immediate relief felt when using hand sanitizer really does come down to a lack of access to handwashing stations. This may not be the case as you’re leaving the supermarket and snag a quick bit of sanitizer, but it is true in childcare facilities, schools, health care settings, food service, and retail environments.

Ozark River Manufacturing is solving this problem around readily available, point-of-contact hand-washing. Their over 25 portable sink models fit easily into any environment and provide employees and customers the ability to not rely on hand sanitizer—the less effective and efficient option. Having an NSF-certified, hand-washing and code-compliant Ozark River Portable Sink® in your business or facility isn’t just about passing health inspections. It’s really about maintaining public health and safety through proper hand-washing access.

It seems to be the case that when given this choice of sanitizer versus hand-washing—alongside the proper information about time and effectiveness—the public would more than likely choose the more effective, quicker route—hand-washing. So, take a look at our industry-specific portable sinks and find out how Ozark River Manufacturing can keep your company out of hot water!

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Ozark River Manufacturing

Ozark River Manufacturing designs and delivers top-quality, NSF-certified portable sinks. Since 2006, our inventive and bold team has ensured health compliance with quick-connect tanks and instant hot water. With over 55 models, we provide solutions for every need, backed by exceptional customer support and timely delivery. Healthy people matter, and we make a positive impact every day.

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