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Child showing glitter and paint on hands representative of germs and hand washing necessity.

How To Teach Kids About Hand Washing

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By Ozark River Manufacturing

February 25, 2022

Getting kids to wash their hands can be—well—difficult. Although stopping the spread of germs is a serious matter, teaching kids about handwashing doesn’t have to be. Here are 5 ways to help teach and stress the importance of hand washing—with a bit of fun thrown in!

Importance of Teaching Children How to Wash Their Hands

Hand-washing is a simple, effective and affordable way to reduce the spread of germs and keep people healthier. Remind kids that the activity helps prevent:

  • Missing important events: Sick people often have to stay home from school and work. They may also have to skip other fun activities, like attending parties, sporting events or play dates with friends.
  • Making others sick: Germs easily pass between people without proper hygiene. Illnesses can quickly spread throughout classrooms and families.
  • Staying in the hospital: Some people have health issues that cause them to get more seriously ill than others. That can result in hospital visits for more intensive treatment.

When to Wash Your Hands

When considering how to teach children hand-washing, there are a few crucial moments to stress its importance.

Encourage kids to engage in hand-washing before:

  • Eating or preparing food.
  • Cleaning a wound, scrape or cut.
  • Touching their eyes, mouth or nose.
  • Handling, playing, or feeding pets and other animals.
  • Being in contact with someone who is sick or caring for an ill person.
  • Sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.
  • Preparing foods, especially for recipes involving raw ingredients.
  • Touching high-contact items where germs are likelier to collect, such as shared toys, playground equipment and door handles.
  • Changing diapers.
  • Using the restroom.
  • Handling garbage or food waste.

You should also promote hand hygiene after:

Hand-Washing Steps

Effective hand-washing for kids and adults alike takes four easy steps:

  • Get them wet and lather up: Use clean water to wet your hands and add a suitable amount of soap.
  • Clean them thoroughly: Rub hands together to form suds, and clean palms, backs of hands, between fingers and under nails for 20 seconds—count or add a clever song to ensure accurate scrubbing time.
  • Rinse completely: Use clean water to rinse the suds and germs away.
  • Shake and dry: Flip hands back and forth a few times to remove excess water, then dry with a clean towel or air dryer.

Hand-Washing Activities for Kids

Here are five fun ways to teach hand-washing and stress its importance!

Give Them Visual Analogies

For the reason hand-washing rates aren’t 100% in adults, the same exists for kids. We can’t see the germs so it’s hard to view them as dangerous. To change that, we’ve found some creative ways people are already demonstrating the presence of germs to children!

  • Take a rubber glove and draw different shapes all over it with a washable marker. These markings represent the germs! Then put the glove into a sink or bowl of water. Next, have the kids try to wash the marker off with soap and water—demonstrating how hand-washing sends those germs right down the drain. Source: Wash Your Hands! – How Wee Learn
  • Another great way to show germs is to sprinkle non-toxic glitter right on those little hands and have them wash it off. Seeing how much scrubbing it takes will drive home the fact that germs are there and need some hand-washing help. Source: Printable Parents

Put a Twist on Routine

Children of all ages like routine. Regardless of their efforts to fight against teeth brushing, vegetable eating, and quiet time in school, kids thrive within regular schedules. It increases their sense of security within their surroundings and among the people they interact with. So how do we make routines appealing? We mix up the same action with some engaging additions!

  • Make a hand-washing clock or calendar with stickers they can put on themselves every time they wash up to encourage accountability. Visually seeing their progress will reinforce contingency-based thinking and independence!
  • Pick a different song every day to play while washing their hands. You can make a playlist beforehand and have them pick the song name out of a hat. Great examples for younger children include “Row, row, row your boat” or “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.” You can vary choices by age or tie them into education opportunities, such as using the ABC song. This puts some of the control in their hands (literally) and presents hand-washing as a choice, not a chore.
  • Create your own hand-washing dance. Each time they wash up, have them add a new dance move of their choosing. Or if you’re promoting hand-washing to an entire class, make a new dance every day with one move from each student. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire choreographed soap salsa!

With children, it’s all about the perspective—as you well know. If they see hand-washing as an obligation, they’re less likely to do it. If you morph it into an exciting task where they get something out of it—stickers, independence, or a few new dance moves—they’ll eventually associate hand-washing with happiness. 

Add Convenient Hand-Washing Stations to Promote Hygiene

Integrating a child-height portable sink in schools and daycare facilities has been shown to increase hand-washing rates in children! Providing a portable sink that meets kids where they are allows them to demonstrate independence and their own capabilities. 

Every one of Ozark River Manufacturing’s child-height portable sinks is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, allowing for complete autonomy when those little ones are washing up. We are the market’s leading portable sink providing warm water accessibility, making for a more comfortable hand-washing experience for everyone.

Combine a portable sink with some of the fun activities above and you’ll have a whole classroom of clean hands before you know it.

So on that note, happy hand-washing everyone!

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Ozark River Manufacturing

Ozark River Manufacturing designs and delivers top-quality, NSF-certified portable sinks. Since 2006, our inventive and bold team has ensured health compliance with quick-connect tanks and instant hot water. With over 55 models, we provide solutions for every need, backed by exceptional customer support and timely delivery. Healthy people matter, and we make a positive impact every day.

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